Pictures 1 through 8 are of my porch area (including the sewers in the street!). 9 through 21 are of downstairs--Dining area, living area (which, ironically we don't live in because there's no AC down there). No pictures of the kitchen yet though. Ni was cooking and I didn't want to get in her way. 22 to 52 are all upstairs. A few of the stairway and hall area, a few of Doug's room (24 & 25), the balcony looking down to the porch/patio/street area (26 to 35), a couple of random shots from the second floor inside porch which connects to the upstairs hallway and to the open downstairs area shown in 11 and 17 (36 and 37), and finally my room (38 to 52). Included in those are my own private bath (43 to 46), the view out my window (47 to 49) and some more shots of my room (50 to 52). Guess I forgot to turn the flash back on for the last ones.
These pictures were all taken with a somewhat old digital camera, so the resolution isn't great and it may be out of focus and it may be ugly on Your screen. Deal. It's quick and easy, so we'll go with it for now.