r M A Y   1 5 ,   2 0 0 3

An evening off.
In need of much more alone time, creative time.
There was a NEAC meeting I ought to have gone to, but just couldn't force myself to.


Followed the fire department to work.
Three big trucks with sirens blazing, plus the fire chief's car. One block away, they slowed, the sirens stopped, the chief made a u-turn, one truck turned left, one turned right, and the last drove calmly up to the front door.

Apparently there had been a demonstration of the alarm system that got just a little too realistic.


w M A Y   1 4 ,   2 0 0 3

OTENA general meeting and trustees election
Encouraged attendance at blockwatch meetings to counter the increased crime of late. Kathy believes a lot of it is due to changed police priorities from the Iraq war and OSU campus problems.


t M A Y   1 3 ,   2 0 0 3

Tour committee meeting


m M A Y   1 2 ,   2 0 0 3

Choir rehearsal
Bexley afterwards.


n M A Y   1 1 ,   2 0 0 3

Stephanie's real-pie Trivial Pursuit party
She and Chris won.


s M A Y   1 0 ,   2 0 0 3

Removed the shed from the back yard.
I had put it off for a number of years, although there were many reasons to remove it and none to keep it. It was ugly, metal, a poor size for anything, took up a lot of room (and even some precious sun, in a garden with very little but shade). It was used to store junk.

Whenever I got stuck, I just tried a different corner and kept on removing screws. Eventually everything came down. The sheet metal I piled on the hammock stand, as the trash can(s) were too full of the junk from inside the shed to fill any further.


f M A Y   9 ,   2 0 0 3

Removed the junk from the shed in the back yard.
Junk really doesn't need to be stored more than three years.


r M A Y   8 ,   2 0 0 3

Columbus Landmarks awards ceremony
Held at the Arena Grand.


w M A Y   7 ,   2 0 0 3

Deadline day -- first paper at the new office.
No major problems.


t M A Y   6 ,   2 0 0 3

Missed the trustees meeting --
Newspaper work ran too late.


Council of Historic Neighborhoods brochure
Did manage to meet with the brochure committee at Al & Allan's house and see the progress -- it is on the tour, so they are quickly quickly getting things presentable. They had to leave to make it to Lowe's and pick out cabinetry.


m M A Y   5 ,   2 0 0 3

Garden Club
Cleanup and weeding at the community garden.
Planted annuals at Portal Park.


n M A Y   4 ,   2 0 0 3

To Columbus


Gardening ...
Creating borders, digging up grass, mulching, ...


s M A Y   3 ,   2 0 0 3

Measuring and purchasing ...
Mulch, dirt, roses, moss roses, ...

Caught up on a Buffy tape

4 p.m. service at church

Gumbo for dinner


f M A Y   2 ,   2 0 0 3

Met Sally
Who seems very strong-willed.


To Akron


r M A Y   1 ,   2 0 0 3

Choir rehearsal
Bexley afterwards.



> APRIL 02


2 0 0 3





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OTENA egroup
OTENA-NIC egroup
OTENA-tours egroup
OTENA-trustees egroup
Old Oaks egroup
Ohio Parsons Blockwatch egroup