P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 0 5
looking for kittens
And found a Sam, a cocker spaniel mix, at Pets Without Parents
didn't bring any new pets home
doors and trim off the patio
Finished cleaning up the pond and rebuilt the waterfall.
the Bridegroom to His Chosen
Sang the choir.
day of the 23rd psalm -- and all the favorite 23rd psalm hymns.
Hudson's sermon was quite severe in regards to Rev. Rod Parsley's
new political campaign.
hear cry for Christian political activism
Church-state separation a lie, crowd told at
World Harvest Church
Rod] Parsley
founded the Center for Moral Clarity last July to promote
Christian values that he says are under attack by popular
culture. It actively supported ballot issues in Ohio and other
states last fall to ban gay marriage, issues that attracted
voters credited with helping re-elect President Bush.
yesterday’s rally, Christian groups plan a series of
events in Ohio in the coming weeks to train conservative activists,
register 300,000 new voters for the 2006 statewide elections
and promote what Parsley has called "policies that prioritize
life, faith and issues of the family."
book advocates fighting "judicial tyranny" expressed
in rulings such as in the Terri Schiavo case in Florida; opposing
homosexuality and abortion; ending poverty and racism; and
challenging Islam, which Parsley calls "the anti-Christ
will rail against the idea that the God of Christianity and
the God of Islam are the same being," Parsley said, with
the image of his book’s cover projected on two screens
on either side of the church’s large stage.